Friendship Series: Olivia and Erin, UVM Soccer

Some friendships form from an immediate connection, while others take a bit more time to blossom. For Olivia, she knew Erin was going to be a lifelong friend right from their very first meeting.

Olivia met Erin on her first official campus visit after being matched with the UVM soccer team in May of 2023. In the time since, Olivia and Erin have formed a bond that extends far beyond the soccer field and even their shared time at UVM.

“Erin has gone above and beyond. During our first time meeting the team, it was clear that Erin and Olivia connected,” said Jennifer, Olivia’s mom. “Erin was always one of the first to greet Olivia when we would show up to events.” One of Olivia’s favorite memories was traveling the one and a half hours across state lines to campus on a school night to surprise Erin at a game on her birthday. “Olivia made her a sign for the stands, and they got to hang out a bit after the game,” Jennifer said. “Olivia loves when she gets to be part of the starting lineup and when she would get to stand next to Erin at center field. It made her feel less anxious, more part of the team, and excited for the game.”

Olivia’s time with the UVM soccer team has given her confidence to go outside of her comfort zone and explore things that can sometimes be intimidating. “Olivia has gotten better at doing things that scare her. Her anxiety is high, but she pushes through to see her team,” Jennifer said. Olivia’s diagnosis has caused significant hearing loss, something Olivia can be very self-conscious about, but, Jennifer says, “Erin has never made Liv feel anything less than a teammate.” This immediate acceptance and inclusion onto the UVM soccer team allowed Olivia to feel comfortable being herself, knowing her teammate Erin was interested in knowing exactly who Olivia is. “Erin looks for common interests and experiences to bond with Olivia,” Jennifer said. “Liv is getting better at social interactions. Being hearing impaired, I often see her wait for me to step in and talk for her in fear of her not hearing someone correctly. She’s gotten better at answering for herself, and her negative self-talk has gotten so much better. I don’t see her being so tough on herself as much!”

Erin graduated in December, but the new distance did nothing to lessen their bond. “Erin still shows up for Olivia,” Jennifer said. Erin went to a Team IMPACT event at a hockey game last season and met up with Olivia for an ice cream date before Erin moved for her new job in May. Through each interaction, Olivia and Erin taught one another and learned from one another. “Erin is the epitome of a role model for Olivia. She is fierce on the field and has shown Olivia what a strong leader looks like,” Jennifer said, “but even more importantly, Erin has given Olivia a role model to look up to and a friend to call her own.”

Before she moved, Erin made Olivia friendship bracelets to remind her to be strong, and though Olivia and her family were sad to see Erin go, they know their friendship is stronger than the distance between them. “Erin wrote Olivia the sweetest card recently telling Olivia how strong she is for all she is going through and how Erin will always be there for her no matter what. We couldn’t ask for a better young lady in Olivia’s life!”

Olivia and Erin’s time together has brought countless laughs, smiles, and memories, with even more to come as they continue their friendship, which now looks a bit different than it did at UVM.  “My favorite thing is that this is genuine,”Jennifer said. “Erin isn’t connecting with Olivia because she has to. She is connecting with Olivia because wants to. She initiates it. When Erin and Olivia are together, there is so much laughter and silliness. Olivia isn’t the sick kid or the different kid. When she’s with Erin, Erin treats her like her friend. It’s the most beautiful connection.”