Luke and Vince Celebrate 10 Years of Friendship

In November 2013, Endicott College football team’s Luke Somers was enjoying a successful season on the field – on the day of their conference championship (which they won), Vince Skelton took his first steps on campus, sporting New York Giants leg braces.

“I noticed right away that Vince’s leg braces had NY Giants helmets with big red X’s on them. It was immediately relatable, and I knew that we would have some great common ground, as fierce competitors,” reflects Luke now.

Luke and Vince didn’t know it then, but the two became “loyal and important friends” through their Team IMPACT match. With a shared passion for watching football and skiing, they have enjoyed life’s big and small moments together through the last decade.

Team IMPACT spoke with both Luke and Vince this fall as they passed 10 years of friendship on favorite memories and lessons learned.

“I could not imagine the last 10 years of my life without Luke. Throughout these years we’ve celebrated some of the most happy times from my high school and college graduation to his wedding in which I had the honor of being part of. We have also guided each other through the darkest times. One thing never wavered, our love and support for one another.”

“I asked [Vince] to be a groomsman because he is such an important part of my life. It was a tremendous honor.”

– Luke Somers, matched with Vince Skelton in the fall of 2013

Lessons Learned

Luke on what he’s learned from Vince: “I have learned about how to think about adaptability as a solution to many problems.”

Vince on what he’s learned from Luke: “He has always pushed me to be the best version of myself.”

Luke and Vince both note that their lives would be incredibly different if it were not for Team IMPACT. Together, they’ve embodied the true spirit of everything Team IMPACT is about – building empowerment from each other, learning empathy, and creating an unbreakable friendship along the way.

“I could not imagine life without Team IMPACT. I would not have a big brother and would not have a best friend like Luke that I could go to for anything.”

Above, WBZ-TV’s Tiffany Chan talks to Luke and Vince as they celebrate 10 years.